Compare and order decimals interactive notebook


This interactive notebook is designed with the Launch, Explore, Discuss model. I provide a brief explanation at the beginning of the notebook to familiarize you with this model, and I also detail the steps as we use them.


The notebook contains a total of 16 pages:


  • 6 for introduction and exploration of the topic
  • 1 set of vocabulary cards
  • 1 Venn diagram to compare and contrast the process of comparing and ordering integers with the process of comparing and ordering decimals
  • 6 for practicing the topic using only numbers
  • 1 for practicing the topic using problems
  • 1 for student-created problems


In addition to the interactive notebook, you will find three other supporting files for the development of the topic:


  • Answer key
  • Presentation with a brief explanation of the topic
  • Vocabulary cards with the most relevant vocabulary


If you are looking for this resource in Spanish, here is the link:

Comparar y ordenar decimales cuaderno interactivo