In this file you are going to find 10 sets of decimals numbers for your students to practice organizing them from least to greatest and from greatest to least. You can ask them to read the numbers aloud while they do the activities so they can practice place value and the proper way to read them.
Ideas to do with your students:
1. The teacher puts the number sets in different centers. Each student will have to organize them following the instruction of the worksheets and write the answers.
•Worksheet with the instruction Organize the numbers from least to greatest.
•Worksheet with the instruction Organize the numbers from greatest to least.
•Worksheet with the instruction Organize the sets A, C, E, G, I from least to greatest and sets B, D, F, H, J from greatest to least.
2. Divide the classroom in pairs or groups and give a set to each one. The students have to cut the numbers and paste them in a paper or cardboard from least to greatest or from greatest to least according to the teacher instructions.
3. To set the game, the teacher has to print, cut and laminate for longer lasting (if wanted) each one of the numbers. For the game, divide the game in groups of 10. Each student receives a number from the set. And they have to organize themselves with the number from least to greatest and to greatest to least. Then, the students can interchange sets with another team. This game is a good tool to use as one of the centers.
To do it more challenging, the teacher can set a time for the students to solve it.